HOQU is 2 years old!
We invite you to take some fun and pass the birthday quiz. Let's check how many facts you know about HOQU.
How many facts about HOQU do you know?
Have some fun and take part in our birthday quiz!
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Why is the HOQU project's age counted starting November?
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Which country is HOQU registered in?
HOQU is registered within the Estonian jurisdiction, but the headquarters are located in Russia
HOQU is registered within the Estonian jurisdiction
HOQU is registered within the Estonian jurisdiction, but you are close. Up until the spring of this year, HOQU was registered in London.
HOQU is registered within the Estonian jurisdiction, but you are close. Up until the spring of this year, HOQU was registered in London.
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Which one of these is Alexander Duzhnikov, the COO of HOQU?
Oh yes! You might be his friend
No! This is Andrey Duzhnikov (HOQU CTO)
Nice try! But Alexander is on the right
Nice try! But this is Maxim Anikeev (HOQU CMO)
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What is HOQU?
HOQU is a platform that allows its users to create CPA networks with ease
HOQU is a software, but not just for affiliates. It unites affiliates, merchants and networks on a single platform
Yes! HOQU is a performance marketing ecosystem for networks & agencies, merchants and affiliates, combines top notch marketing tools with a unified account feature.
No! HOQU is a performance marketing ecosystem for networks & agencies, merchants and affiliates, combines top notch marketing tools with a unified account feature.
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How is the name HOQU deciphered?
HOQU is a reference to short Japanese haiku verses, which are known for their simplicity and at the same time convey a wide range of meanings and emotions, just like our product
HOQU is a reference to short Japanese haiku verses, which are known for their simplicity and at the same time convey a wide range of meanings and emotions, just like our product
HOQU is a reference to short Japanese haiku verses, which are known for their simplicity and at the same time convey a wide range of meanings and emotions, just like our product
That would have been nice, but no
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Which of the HOQU platform's representatives most often attended conferences on behalf of the project over the past year?
You are right! You must be following our news
Your answer would have been correct last year
Not close at all
We appreciate your sense of humor! Unfortunately, the t-shirt is not a representative of the project
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HOQU loves you!
Aw! Thank you! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
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It is a pity that you did not have the opportunity to get to know our project better.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
It is a pity that you did not have the opportunity to get to know our project better.
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
You really know something about us!
..or you have good intuition..
We hope you enjoyed the quiz!
You really know something about us!
..or you have good intuition..
We hope you enjoyed the quiz!
Great job! Do you happen to be our employee?
Thank you for your participation and good luck!
Great job! Do you happen to be our employee?
Thank you for your participation and good luck!